taxes and programs

By seeing the title one knows it about taxes and programs, which it is. There is going to be four topics that are going to be discuss. The first  one  is about the ” benefit principle” while another is about cutting the most liked program/programs.  The next, is about a  main problem a policy maker  who is trying to make a gram to help those with adictives such as smoking and/or drinking.Then, there is  another program however,  this one invovles the anti-poverty. As you can  see  the majority of the topics is about programs: About three-fourths . The first question is: The “benefit principle” has been used to justify in income taxation.What is benefit principle? Are there any problems with it? If so, what? It is a principle where people  arwe taxed in accordance with benefits they get from the government . Yes, there  are problems with it. The problems with it, are: taxation matches benefits recieve from the government, less or none at all money to spend/used,plunder:taking people money through matching taxation with benefits. In other words, the benefit principle is really worthless since they take large amounts of one’s money through income taxes.  The next question is: what is the washington monument syndrome? When higher-ups decide to cut something due to being low  in budget.They decide to cut a program/programs that everyone likes ,instead of the least liked program. By doing  that the public will try it hardest to make the budget to it usual self and the so program  they like is back.  Followed by the third question which is: What is the primary problem  facing a policy-maker who is trying to design  a program to benefit people  in unfortunate circumstanes?  Is to design  a program that will reward people who stop smoking, for instance. In addition, to make the reward not too low nor too right, but just right. Also, to not attract people who  not doing what the program’s main purpose is to help get rid of. In additon, to not  have most people doing what the program is trying to get rid of.  Such as, more  people  who is not smoking start to smoke  just because of the reward: Hinting the  reward for people who stop smoking is too high  and it is atracting more people because of that. Another example,  the program attracts more people who are not smoking but starts  and can not stop smoking because  they became hooked on it. Also, the programs has more smokers than those who quit smoking.  And finally our last question, which is: In practice, what have been some of the outcome -unitended or intended – of anti- poverty programs?  Some of the outcomes have been intend of the anti – poverty programs. Because some people do give money to others that are in anti – poverty programs to end poverty.Which us a good thing my reason being us that they want to improve  the society and help the poor.